Purple Star

Audubon Elementary School Values Our Military Students and Families
Audubon Elementary, an A-rated school on Merritt Island, is proud of its vibrant community, which includes our valued Military students and families. We deeply appreciate the contributions they make to our school. Throughout the year, we celebrate their impact through special events like Purple Up! Day, Month of the Military Child, and Veteran’s Day activities. These events give us the chance to highlight and honor the presence of our military students at Audubon Elementary.
Military Point of Contact:
Scott Sutherland
Physical Education Teacher / Air Force Veteran
Email Coach Sutherland
Transition Planning for Military Families
Patrick SFB Life / School Liaison Program Manager
Susan Clark
on Facebook @ PatrickCYES.SLO
With each move, military children face many school-related challenges. The Patrick Space Force Base School Liaison can provide information about transition planning, academic options, and options and resources regarding the local area, as well as connect you to the School Liaison at your next installation when transitioning to another location.
Transition Steps:
Register and enroll at school of choice.
Identify as Active Military Duty
Fill out a form for student(s) family to meet with the Military Family Life Counselor
Set up a conference with the principal and classroom teacher (s)
Join Parent and Teacher Organization to assist with events.
Audubon Elementary Website/Military Webpage and supports shared with new families.
https://www.militaryonesource.mil/ (a free 24/7 resource for military families of all branches of service providing a variety of assistance, resources, and tools)
www.militarychildcare.com (Resource and information on available Before/After School military childcare)
https://sesamestreetformilitaryfamilies.org/ (Provides resources and information appropriate for younger children on military-related topics such as moving, deployment, etc.) [Applicable only for elementary school]
Academic Planning For Military Families
Jaime Slentz, Audubon Elementary School Assistant Principal
Email Jaime Slentz
Information regarding academic standards and opportunities, graduation requirements, DE and AP course offerings, applicable CTE programs, etc. for Brevard Public schools can be found in the Student Progression Plan on the BPS Curriculum and Instruction website.
https://www.stepupforstudents.org/ Scholarship resources available to students in Florida in a variety of categories (tax credit, unique abilities, New Worlds reading, Hope, transportation, etc.)
Resources and Additional Opportunities for Military Families
This program is available 24/7 for the U.S. Military and their families at no cost. It is online tutoring and offers homework help. The tutors can assist you with working through difficult homework problems and improving your writing and other skills.
United Through Reading
Shared story time, United Through Reading makes family bonding experiences possible. This program connects military families who are separated for deployment or military assignments.
Military OneSource
The Military OneSource provides services in areas such as tax services, spouse employment help, webinars, online training, relocation, deployment tools, and other areas. Call-800-342-9647
Military Child Care
Department of Defense (DOD) program that makes it easier to find the child and youth care your family needs. Call 855-696-2934
Military Kids Connect
Military Kids Connect (MKC) is an online community for military children (ages 6-17 years old) that provides access to age-appropriate resources to support children from pre-deployment, through a parent’s or caregiver’s return.
Sesame Street for Military Families
This is a free, bi-lingual (English and Spanish) website that families can utilize to locate information and multimedia resources on topics such as military deployments, multiple deployments, homecomings, injuries, grief, and self-expression.
USDOD—Taking Care of Our People
This is a US Department of Defense website that recognizes the service and sacrifice of our military and their families. The US DOD dedicates resources, services, policies, and programs to support the more than 2 million uniformed service members and the 2.6 million family members around the world.
Red Cross—Military Services
Members of the Red Cross assist military members, veterans, and their families in preparing, responding, and adjusting to the challenges of military service.
Through the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship (FTC) and Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options (FES-CO) programs, families of K-12 students have a choice of financial assistance for private school tuition and fees or help with transportation costs for students to attend a public school other than the one the student is assigned to.
Military Interstate Compact
Information on the Military Interstate Compact and resources available for eligible transitioning military dependents
Megan Wessinger, Audubon Elementary School Counselor
Email Megan Wessinger
Information on Exceptional Student Education Services (ESE)
Brevard Public Schools provides a range of ESE resources, including school-specific support for families navigating transitions with IEPs and 504 plans. For more information, please visit the BPS Exceptional Education Services website.
Department of Air Force EFMP (Exceptional Family Member Program Information) https://daffamilyvector.us.af.mil/membersite/
Parents inform the school that their child has exceptional student services at enrollment.
Parents inform the school that they would like to know about exceptional student services at enrollment for their child because they have concerns about their child's social-emotional and academic development.
Brevard Public Schools Resources
School ESE Support Specialist: Lisa Aumann, 321-452-2085 Email Lisa Aumann
School Principal Contact: Candace Jones, 321-452-2085 Email Candace Jones
School Counselor Contact: Megan Wessinger, 321-452-2085 Email Megan Wessinger
ESE Parent Connection: Brevard Public Schools sponsors the ESE Parent Connection, a series of informational meetings open to all parents of students in the Exceptional Student Education (ESE) program.
Special Education Connection: The Florida Department of Education is proud to provide parents of students with disabilities access to Special Ed Connection. This web-based resource helps parents understand special education and how it works as their child enters, progresses through, and exits the world of special education requirements. Some highlights of the many components that will be made available for your use include Smarts, Special Ed Online Dictionary, News and Update, and Special Ed Roundups.
Parents and teachers may sign up for this resource online. To find out more about this available resource, visit: https://www.fdlrs.org/parent-services/special-ed-connection
Florida Students Achieve: This is a joint project between the Florida Education Foundation and the Florida Department of Education. Here you will find resources to help you choose the best schools for your children and to understand what things students should be learning. This will help you work with your child’s teachers to ensure the best possible outcome.
University of Central Florida—Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD) UCF CARD serves children and adults who have Autism, pervasive developmental disorders, autistic-like disabilities, dual sensory impairments, or sensory impairments with other disabling conditions. Their primary focus is to provide individualized, direct assistance to these individuals and their families. CARD services are designed to build on state and local resources' capacities, not duplicate them. The Florida Legislature funds the Center through the Florida Department of Education; all services are free.
Information on the mental health challenges facing military students, including ways to access school-based mental health services
Brevard Public Schools offers Psychological and Mental Health Services to all students, including those in military families. These school-based mental health services, along with many other resources, are available at the Mental Wellness website or https://bpscommunityconnect.findhelp.com/
Military Family Life Counselor information:
Robert Updegrove
Information on Military Recognition Events
Take a Vet to School
Purple UP! For Military Kids - April 15, 2025
April, Month of the Military Child activities
November, Month of the Military Family activities
Veteran’s Banners created and hung in the school lobby/office or the hallway bulletin board
Deployment Map in School Lobby/office or hallway bulletin board