Walk to School Day-Rescheduled! This Friday Nov.8th, 7:00am at Save-a-Lot Coaches and Staff will see you there! Día de caminata a la escuela: ¡reprogramado! Este viernes 8 de noviembre a las 7:00 a. m. en Save-a-Lot ¡Los entrenadores y el personal te verán allí!
28 days ago, KALA QUICK
Nov 8th Endeavour's Walk to School Day. meet s at save a lot at 7am our team will start walking to endeavour at 7:15 am
Nov 8th Endeavour's Walk to School Day. meet s at save a lot at 7am our team will start walking to endeavour at 7:15 am
Join us tonight for Parent Teacher Conference Night (by appointment only) 5:30-6:30PM. Please reference our Title I COMPACT & PFEP Forms to guide your discussion with your student/teachers. See you soon! Únase a nosotros esta noche para la Noche de Conferencia de Padres y Maestros (solo con cita previa) de 5:30 a 6:30 p. m. Consulte nuestros formularios COMPACT y PFEP del Título I para guiar su discusión con sus estudiantes/maestros. ¡Nos vemos pronto!
about 1 month ago, KALA QUICK
Endeavour Elementary School invites you Parent Teacher conferences tonight. 10/29/24 5:30-6:30pm by appointment only. please reference the title I compact & PFEP form to guide your discussion with your student/teacher. Copies may found at the front office, the endeavour website or email quick.kala@brevardschools.org
Report Cards are sent home Today! When reviewing grades, it can definitely help to identify areas where students excel and where they might need extra support. Be sure to look at the specific goals and resources outlined in the Endeavour COMPACT form and Parent & Family Engagement Plan to guide your discussion with your student(s).If you have any specific questions or need help with strategies, please schedule a meeting your child's teacher on Parent Teacher Conference Night Tuesday October 29, 2024. ¡Las boletas de calificaciones se envían a casa hoy! Al revisar las calificaciones, definitivamente puede ser útil identificar áreas en las que los estudiantes sobresalen y en las que podrían necesitar apoyo adicional. Asegúrese de consultar los objetivos y recursos específicos descritos en el formulario Endeavor COMPACT y el Plan de participación de padres y familias para guiar su discusión con su(s) estudiante(s). Si tiene alguna pregunta específica o necesita ayuda con estrategias, programe una reunión con su maestro de su niño en la noche de conferencia de padres y maestros el martes 29 de octubre de 2024.
about 1 month ago, KALA QUICK
school report card
Current Updates and Information 10/7/2024 | 2:15 PM Due to the intensification of Hurricane Milton, Brevard Public Schools will be observing an early release schedule tomorrow, Tuesday, 10/08. We will be following normal early dismissal procedures (Friday schedule). This decision was made to allow time for our families and staff to finalize preparations. All after school activities will be canceled for Tuesday, 10/08. Aftercare will be held for families who need it but will finish at 5 PM, on Tuesday, 10/08. Schools and offices are still scheduled to be closed on Wednesday, 10/09, and Thursday, 10/10. We strongly encourage everyone to continue to follow the recommendations from Brevard County Emergency Management (Brevard EOC). Evacuations have not been ordered by the Brevard EOC at this time. Brevard Public Schools will continue to work collaboratively with the EOC on any changes or updates. https://www.brevardschools.org/o/bps/page/hurricane-milton
about 2 months ago, KALA QUICK
Fast MP1 English/Language Arts & Math scores are now available on your Focus Parent portal for all students that have been assessed. This progress monitoring assessment provides information to teacher on how your child is progressing with all grade level benchmarks. PM2 will also be a progress monitoring assessment, Your student's scale score should increase with each administration of FAST this school year. You may contact your child's teacher if you would like to review the scores of your student. Los puntajes rápidos de MP1 en inglés/artes del lenguaje y matemáticas ahora están disponibles en su portal Focus Parent para todos los estudiantes que han sido evaluados. Esta evaluación de seguimiento del progreso proporciona información al maestro sobre cómo está progresando su hijo con todos los puntos de referencia del nivel de grado. PM2 también será una evaluación de seguimiento del progreso. La puntuación escalar de su estudiante debería aumentar con cada administración de FAST este año escolar. Puede comunicarse con el maestro de su hijo si desea revisar las calificaciones de su hijo. To view the scores, please follow the picture below/ Para ver las puntuaciones, siga la imagen a continuación.
2 months ago, KALA QUICK
Fast parent portal
Join Coach McDougle for Endeavour's Walk to School Day! 10/9 at 7am at Save-A-Lot ¡Únase al entrenador McDougle para el día de caminata a la escuela de Endeavour! ¡9/10 a las 7 a.m. en Save-A-Lot!
2 months ago, KALA QUICK
october 9th endeavour's walk to school day. meet us at save a lot at 7am. our team will start walking to endeavour at 715am.
Join us for Texas Roadhouse Night to benefit the student Holiday Shop! Monday September 30th, 5pm-8pm. ¡Únase a nosotros en la Texas Roadhouse Night en beneficio de la tienda navideña para estudiantes! Lunes 30 de septiembre, de 17 a 20 horas
2 months ago, KALA QUICK
Dine to Donate support endeavour elementary monday september 30 5pm to 8pm 10% donation night for endeavour elementary. present this flyer at the Viera location and Texas Roadhouse will donate 10% to Endeavour Elementary! 321-785-8880. 1975 Viera Blvd Rockledge, Fl.
Meet Mr Alfonso Our New Assistant Principal at Endeavour Elementary
3 months ago, Vanessa Keys
Meet Mr Alfonso our New Assistant Principal
Panther of the Week Staff Member
3 months ago, Vanessa Keys
Diamond Johnson and Catherine Murphy
Celebrating Endeavour's Students of the Week.
3 months ago, Vanessa Keys
Principal Catherine Murphy , Assistant Principal Javier Alfonso  and Assistant  Principal Natalia Alfonso with students