Dual Enrollment

Dual Enrollment is an accelerated program designed to allow students to earn college credit while in high school tuition free. Students must meet the following eligibility requirements to participate in dual enrollment: Qualifing unweighted cumlative high school GPA (3.0 for degree seeking students, 2.5 for students seeking a college credit certificate), qualifing test scores (see link below), complete an EFSC application, and completge the dual enrollment orientation. Students interested in dual enrollment should meet with their high school counselor.
All 9th and 10th grade students with a GPA of 3.0 or higher at the end of 1st semester will recieve an invitation in January or Feburary to attend an informational meeting. Parents should attend this meeting as well, it is held in the evening every year.
There are four types of EFSC dual enrollment available to students:
1. Part time dual enrollment
Students can take 1 - 3 college classes as part of thier 7 period day
Students can work towards a degree or take individual classes to transfer to a university
2. Collegiate High School
Students are invited 2nd semester of freshmen year based on thier GPA, attendance, and discipline records.
This program tracks students for the purpose of graduating high school and earning thier AA degree at the same time.
3. Early Admissions
Full Time college student senior year.
Application required spring of junior year.
Cannot take any high school classes while participating in Early Admissions (on campus or virtually)
Can particiapte in sports, clubs, or any extra curricular activities at the high school
4. Full Time dual enrollment
Full time college student 2nd semester of senior year.
All high school graduation requirements must be completed
Dual Enrollment with Florida Institute of Technology
BPS students can also dual enroll with Florida Institute of Technology. Click below for details: