Military Family Resources (Purple Star Program)
Welcome to Hoover Middle School
We are the home of the Hawks! We are so excited you are going to be a part of our Hoover family, and we want to make this transition as smooth as possible! Your first step should be to contact Mrs. Kailey Earle, school counselor and Military Point of Contact (MPOC); she is our registrar clerk! She will guide you through the registration process, review transcripts, and schedule a school tour.
At Hoover Middle School, we offer two types of tours. Tours during school hours are led by Hawk Ambassadors. This is a group of 8th graders who welcomes new students of military families and helps them make new friends. We also offer after-school tours, and families are welcome to attend. If you would like to schedule a tour, please email Mrs. Earle for details.
Mrs. Earle Contact Information:
Email: earle.kailey@brevardschools.org
Phone: 321-727-1611 ext. 32023