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Cambridge Assessment International Education Videos
Cambridge AICE Course Descriptions And Resources. RHS Pre-aice History Resources For Students
Pre-AICE History Learner Guide - The learner guide reviews the content you need to know for the exam and discusses how you will be tested on the pre-AICE tests.
You Tube Playlists from History Crusaders - there is a playlist of videos on How to Prepare for the Pre-AICE (IGCSE) exam papers and on The First World War
Useful Vocabulary to use on Pre-AICE History Tests document from InThinking
IGCSE (Pre-AICE) History Istudy website - this website contains notes that students can use to help them study. Remember you want to focus on the topics covered in your pre-AICE history class.
IGCSE (Pre-AICE) History Notes for Review - this website contains notes for review on 20th century International Relations since 1919 topics and the Germany Depth Study topic.
CIE IGCSE (Pre-AICE) History Notes for Review - notes on several pre-AICE history topics as well as notes on The USA in the 1920s and 1930s Depth Study topic.
Mr. Allsop Website - this website contains podcasts about exam skills and tips as well as podcasts about the different topics featured on the Pre-AICE History exam.
Fast & Easy IGCSE History Video Reviews Playlist
RHS Aice Course Descriptions And Resources For Students
The following are course descriptions provided by the AICE instructors to assist you in choosing AICE courses. Please feel free to contact individual instructors with additional questions.
AICE Art & Design (9479) - AS & A Level - 9479 syllabus
Instructor: Ms. Lori Smith
Grade Levels 10-12
AICE Art & Design encourages you to explore a range of processes and techniques in a chosen area of study. The class encourages personal responses that are based on knowledge and understanding and skills in art, craft and design. You will develop an inquisitive, creative approach to research and problem-solving and learn how to record notes from first-hand observation, personal experience and other sources. In additon, you will develop your independent expression by analysing, evaluating and applying concepts and techniques to the artwork you create. Reflecting on your process is a critical element in this course. You will not simply create great works of art: you will become more aware of the reasons why you create the artwork you do.
AICE Art & Design Resources:
AS Level - Paper 2 Specimen (Example) Paper Paper 2 Mark Scheme (Rubric)
Sample Portfolios and Commentary - This document shows examples of portfolios submitted by candidates and provides comments from the examiners about what the candidate does well and where the candidate might improve their work.
Student Art Guide - This website contains articles with guidance about the Cambridge Assessment Art and Design examinations
AICE Biology (9700) - AS & A Level - 9700 Syllabus
Instructor: Mrs. Nadine Kalajian
Grade Levels: 11-12
AICE Biology will offer you the opportunity to deepen and refresh the knowledge you gained in Biology I. The emphasis is to develop a profound understanding of many of the fundamental concepts in the field of Biology rather than an overview of all possible topics. There will be heavy emphasis on laboratory practical work in which you will gain not only procedural knowledge, but also become comfortable with designing and carrying out your own inquiries. This course provides an in-depth study of key biological concepts as outlined by the Cambridge Program Standards. This course emphasizes the application of knowledge, scientific methods and procedures, and independent research. At the end of this rigorous and demanding course students will sit for the 3-part AICE exam.
Cells Alive! Website - Particularly useful for learning about microscopy, cell division, microorganisms and immunology, it links well to topics covered in the course
Difference between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells information
Virtual Classroom Biology - links to websites on a variety of biological topics
Formation of a Lipid by Condensation information
How DNA is Packaged Video
What Does DNA Do information
The Private Life of Plants video by BBC
Circulatory System Video
The Histology Guide - The Circulatory System information
Cardiovascular Pathology Index with images and information
The Respiratory Tract Slide Images
Respiratory System Information
A-Level Notes - This website has notes on a wide range of biological topics, many directly relevant to the AS and A Level syllabus.
Estrella Mountain Online Biology Book - Much of the information is at a level that is suitable for AS & A Level study. The contents page links easily to a main topic and there are subsections for focus on areas of interest. Links to other sites of interest.
DNA Learning Centre Website - This is the DNA learning centre website which contains an extremely wide choice of learning material and variation in presentation. Much of this links directly to the topics covered in the AS and A Level syllabus and there is also considerable extension and background material.
Kimball's Biology Pages - Having studied a topic in class or as a self-study module, this free on-line text book provides further information. Some of the content is aimed at a higher level.
Chemistry for Biologists - This site explores the biological molecules that make up the structure of living organisms, and the biological molecules, reactions and processes that allow cells and organisms to function. It reviews the basic chemical knowledge required to cover many of the AS and A Level biology topics.
The Biology Notes - Notes on various AS and A-Level biology topics.
AICE Business (9609) - AS & A Level - 9609 Syllabus
Instructor: Mrs. Christine Kearns
Grade Levels: 10-12
This course will inform students of the distinctive role that business plays in our society. Through the examination of case studies in economics, business ownership, and technology, students will enhance their appreciation for the impact of effective organizational models and leadership styles in the corporate world.
Ed's Business Essentials for IGCSE and AS/A-Level Business - youtube channel with lots of videos
Learning Made Easy YouTube channel with videos on Business topics for AS/A Level
Eight Common Reasons Small Businesses Fail article - Forbes (check out the Forbes business section for other articles with content relevant to business management)
BBC Bitesize Website - While this website is not specifically focused on AS/A-Level testing, there is valuable information related to business topics you can use for studying
Tutor2u Website - A website full of useful resources, videos and activities that covers most of the AS and A Level Business content and skills.
TakingTheBiz - Video tutorials on Business topics.
S-cool Revision website - A website full of resources for topics related to AS and A-Level Business
WJEC Educational Resources Website - contains notes and practice activities on a variety of business-related topics
The Economist Website - Website with articles about the economy and business
BBC Business News Website - Real business news stories.
CIEnotes - AS and A-Level Business Notes
Entrepreneur Handbook Website - access articles on business-related topics to expand your knowledge of the subject content
AICE Drama (9482) - AS Level - 9482 syllabus
Instructor: Ms. Kelly Rose
Grades: 10-12
AICE Drama encourages students to explore a range of practical and theoretical approaches to drama from script to performance. The course encourages students to develop the ability to apply practical skills effectively and to analyse and evaluate both their own work and the work of others. At the AS Level, students focus on three key areas: • the exploration, interpretation and analysis of the potential of dramatic texts in a performance context • the development of dramatic skills and their application to the process of devising based on a selected stimulus • the development of acting skills and their application to scripted performance.
AICE Drama Resources:
June 2021 Paper 1 (Example Candidate responses are from this paper)
AICE English General Paper (8021) - AS Level
8021 syllabus
Instructor: Mrs. Linda Foster
Grade Level: 9-12
This course promotes the skills of rational thought, persuasion, analysis, interpretation and evaluation. It encourages the exploration and appraisal of social, cultural, economic, philosophical, scientific and technological issues. Students will develop an understanding and appreciation of individual, social, and cultural diversity as well as maturity of thought and clarity of expression both verbally and in writing. Through the reading of timely literature, outside novels and works, and current media reports, students will develop critical reading and analysis skills.
AICE English Language (9093) - AS Level -
9093 Syllabus
Instructor: Mrs. Anne Straub and Mrs. Cynthia Bolton
Grade Levels: Grades 10-12
Have you ever heard a love song that made you cry, listened to a speech that compelled you take action, or read a blog that made you laugh out loud? More importantly, have you ever wished that you could have that same effect on others? If so, then AICE English Language AS Level is right up your alley. In this course, you will learn the distinguishing features of a given text and how to apply that understanding to your own writing.
Wyzant Grammar Resources Website - English Grammar Lessons and Review Material
Andrew Moore's Universal Teacher Website - Offers an introduction to studying language and information on models of language and grammar skills
Common Mistakes to Avoid on AICE English Language Exam video
Paper 1 Question 1a Directed Writing - Analyzing A Sample Response video
Analyzing Form, Structure, and Language information and tips video
Linguistic Elements Video
AICE English Language information on Form, Structure, and Language as well as how to write commentary responses website
AICE English Language Terms to practice on Chegg
AICE English Literature (9695) - AS & A-Level -
9695 syllabus
Instructors: Mrs. Cynthia Bolton & Mrs. Anne Straub
Grade Level: Grade 12
AICE literature provides students with an opportunity to study several pieces of literature in four genres in order to gain a greater understanding of literary techniques, themes, purpose, etc. Students will read assigned literature at home and spend class time dissecting the material through a variety of venues. Students will also learn to express their interpretations of the works through written analytical essays that demonstrate a strong grasp of the English language.
AICE Environmental Management (8291) - AS Level -
8291 Syllabus
Instructor: Mr. Aaron LeBlanc
Grade Levels: 11-12
Students entering AICE Environmental Management class do not need to have studied environmental science or management before taking this class. In this class, students will develop knowledge of Earth's natural systems, the effects of human activity on these systems, and important environmental problems which face the world today. Students will learn that solutions to environmental issues are not easy to find, recognize that the environment is an important social and political issue, and understand the important role that individuals have in thinking about these issues and considering solutions.
Cambridge Suggested Resources List for AICE Environmental Management - this document contains a list of books and websites that candidates might find useful to studying some of the different topics related to Environmental Management
AICE Geography (9696) - AS Level -
9696 syllabus
Instructor: Mrs. Jackie Insalaco
Grade Levels: 9-12
The AICE Geography course is designed to help students understand and interpret issues affecting people, places, and environments. Students will develop an understanding of topics within physical geography and human geography as well as an awareness of the causes and effects of change on natural and human environments. Key concepts covered in AICE Geography are space, scale, place, environment, interdependence, diversity, and change. Students will be challenged to think logically and present ordered and coherent arguments in a variety of ways.
June 2022 Paper 1 Example Candidate Responses - examples from students to help you understand what the examiners are looking for in your responses
June 2022 Paper 2 Example Candidate Responses - examples from students to help you understand what the examiners are looking for in your responses
AICE Geography Learner Guide - created for students, this guide outlines the key concepts that are covered in the course and offers reminders for students on how to prepare for the examination
AICE Geography Videos - This YouTube channel has videos that cover some of the concepts covered in the syllabus
Mr. Gedge's Geography YouTube Channel - This YouTube channel offers videos on a variety of topics that are relevant to geography
AICE Geography Video Playlist - Videos on topics such as urbanization, population growth, rivers, and more
AICE Geography Hydrology and Fluvial Geomorphology Videos - This playlist contains videos related to the topics of hydrology and geomorphology for AS-Level Geography
The Geography Academy Videos - This video playlist contains videos about what types of 15 mark questions you can expect to see on the examination
Znotes - AICE Geography Notes for both Physical and Human Geography topics Notes on hydrology, fluvial, rocks and weathering, population and migration
Curriculum Press Geography Notes - website includes notes on Hydrology & Fluvial Geomorphology, Atmosphere & Weather, Rocks & Weathering, Population, Migration, and Settlement Dynamics
Word Press Revision Guide for AS Level Geography - this link gives you access to the full revision guide.
Mrs. Conrad's Geography Support - this website contains notes on a variety of AS Level topics
AICE Global Perspectives (9239) - AS Level
9239 syllabus
Instructor: Ms. Kathy Moore
Grade Levels: Grades 10-12
The focus of AICE Global Perspectives is on developing the ability to think, speak, and write critically about a range of global issues where there is always more than one point of view. Students will become aware of global themes and issues, viewed from personal, local, national and international perspectives, and of the connections between them. This cross-curricular program challenges students to work in groups, to present seminars, to create projects, and to publish essays. Students who sign up for AICE Global Perspectives must be self-motivated and have the ability to establish and meet deadlines. This course is recommended for juniors but is also available to sophomores (who have completed AICE English General Paper) and seniors.
AICE Global Perspectives Resources:
Paper 1 Example Candidate Responses - this document contains actual example student responses to Paper 1 and gives details on how they were scored by the Cambridge examiners and why.
Component 2 - Essay - Example Candidate Responses - this document contains actual example student responses for component 2 and gives details on how they were scored by the Cambridge examiners and why.
Component 3 - Team Project - Example Candidate Responses - this document contains actual example student responses for component 3 and gives details on how they were scored by the Cambridge examiners and why.
OWL - Purdue Writing Lab Website - This website offers easy guides to using the major academic citation systems
Island Teacher Global Perspectives Support - This website offers a variety of resources on many topics related to global issues
The Conversation website - articles on global issues and perspectives
AICE Information Technology (9626) - AS & A-Level -
9626 Syllabus
Instructor: Mrs. Susanne VanBrunschot
Grade Levels: 10 -12
AICE Information Technology will explore the impact of IT on industry and commerce, transportation, leisure activities, mediciine, workplaces, and homes. To explore this impact, you will learn about various hardware and software applications and understand how they work with each other and with us in our environment. You will then consider the uses of new technologies and how they affect our everyday life and how the rapid changing technology of our society is driving global communication through various platforms.
Teach ICT website - Basic information on a wide range of AS & A Level topics.
HTML Tutorial website - Information and practice opportunities for html coding.
HTML JavaScript Website - Information and practice opportunities for writing JavaScript.
Understanding the Principles of Algorithm Design - An article which explore the principles of algorithm design.
AICE Marine Science (9693) - AS & A-Level -
9693 Syllabus
Instructor: Mrs. Julia Pearsall
Grade Levels: Grades 10-12
This class is a college level introductory class into the marine sciences and is designed as a survey class of some of the different marine science disciplines. The class will cover the basics of geological oceanography, chemical oceanography, physical oceanography and ecology of the marine environment as well covering basic scientific practices and methodologies. The class contents will include but not be limited to the following:
Scientific Method—including experimental design, interpretation of experimental data, inherent variations and limitations in the measurement of experimental data, and an understanding of the challenges that the marine environment poses to experimental design;
Marine ecosystems and biodiversity—including discussions of the interrelatedness of populations of predators and prey, various marine feeding strategies, reproductive strategies in the marine environment, predator avoidance, marine succession, relating extreme and unstable environments to the level of biodiversity, specialized and general marine ecological niches, and the correlation between the level of biodiversity and the specificity of ecological niches;
Energetics of marine ecosystems—including discussion on the movement of energy through the different marine ecosystems, transfer of energy, and loss of energy;
Nutrient cycles in marine ecosystems—input and output to the reservoir of dissolved nutrients, nutrient availability and productivity, biological uses of nutrients, and a discussion of how productivity may be limited by the availability of dissolved nutrients;
Coral reefs and lagoons—a discussion of the Darwin-Dana-Daly theory of atoll formation, protective role of reefs, cause and effects of reef erosion, and the use of artificial reefs in the protection of shores and anchorages;
The ocean floor and the coast—including a discussion of tectonic theory and how it has helped to shape the ocean basin, process of erosion and sedimentation that give rise to the morphology of the littoral zone, and how environmental factors influence the formation of ecological communities in the littoral zone;
Physical oceanography—including discussion of the factors that affect tides and currents and the climactic impact of ocean events including but not limited to El Niño;
Chemical oceanography—including discussion of the factors that affect the chemical composition of seawater, layering and mixing of the ocean waters, and the impact of marine chemistry on ocean structures and the marine organisms.
Jeffrey Keene AICE Marine Science Videos - Mr. Keene has uploaded videos on a variety of AICE Marine Science topics
Katelyn Parrott AICE Marine Science Videos - Ms. Parrott has uploaded videos on a vareity of AICE Marine Science topics
AICE Mathematics (9709) - AS & A-Level -
9709 Syllabus
Instructor: Mrs. Wanda Krajewski
Grade Levels: Grades 10-12
Students entering the AICE Mathematics class should be ready to learn at a fast-pace. The students in this course typically learn a chapter a week, so this requires students to enter the class with a solid foundation of mathematical skills as well as an ability to learn new skills quickly. The class will focus on many mathematical concepts and topics including quadratics, coordinate geometry, circular measure, trigonometry, vectors, differentiation, integration, logarithmic and exponential functions, the numerical solution of equations, and statistics.
Khan Academy - Short video presentations of every topic are covered, which can help your understanding of new topics. You can also see examples of problems and examination questions being solved.
+Plus Magazine Website - Real world mathematics, as well as interesting mathematical problems and investigations.
A-Level Mathematics Resource Packages Website - Further resources including short lessons and activities which explore the topics you are studying.
Revisions Maths Website - Review notes for topics on the A-Level Math exam
Youtube videos of lessons by Mrs. Krajewski - Mrs. Krajewski's lessons from 2016-2017 school year uploaded to Youtube
Resource Plus from Cambridge Videos for learners of AICE Math
Pure Math 1 - Quadratics and Coordinate Geometry lessons, worksheets, and other practice material
Pure Math 3 - Vectors lessons, worksheets, and other practice material
Intuitive Video Playlist on Exam Hacks, Tips, and Sample Problems for Statistics 1
Intuitive Video Playlist on Exams Hacks, Tips, and Sample Problems for Pure Math 1 material
AICE Modern European History & AICE United States History (9489) - AS-Level -
9489 syllabus
AICE Modern European History Instructor: Mr. Jon Reneau - Grade Levels: Grades 9-12
AICE United States History Instructor: Mr. Michael Inman - Grade Levels: 10-12
The purpose of the AICE Modern European History course is to enable students to understand the developments that shaped Modern European History. This will be achieved with a holistic understanding of Europe as a geographic region from 1789 to 1939. Europe’s key developments will be studied in relation to the wider European context and with attention focused on the broader issues (revolution, nationalism, imperialism, war and totalitarianism) that helped shape European history. Generally, assessment will follow the AICE History essay model. Non-essay format assessment will only be used to ensure reading comprehension.
Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, "We are not the makers of history. We are made by history." AICE US History aims to develop an interest and appreciation for the human endeavour by providing students with a greater knowledge and understanding of historical periods and themes. Students will travel through time and explore the expansion of power in the US from the 1840s - 1930s, reenact the Civl War and Recontruction and analyze the war's origins, be dazzled by the Gilded Age and the Progressive Era, and feel the heartbreak of the Great Crash, the Great Depression, and the New Deal.
Paper 1 Specimen (Example) Paper - see pages 2-3 for Modern European test questions
Paper 2 Specimen (Example) Paper - see page 2 for Modern European test questions
June 2022 Paper 1 - see pages 2-3 for Modern European test questions June 2022 Paper 1 Mark Scheme (Rubric) - see pages 5-6
June 2022 Paper 2 - see page 2 for Modern European test questions June 2022 Paper 2 Mark Scheme (Rubric) - see pages 5-8
November 2021 Paper 1 - see pages 2-3 for Modern European test questions November 2021 Paper 1 Mark Scheme (Rubric) - see pages 5-7
November 2021 Paper 2 - see page 2 for Modern European test questions November 2021 Paper 2 Mark Scheme (Rubric) - see pages 5-8
June 2021 Paper 1 - see pages 2-3 for Modern European test questions
June 2021 Paper 1 Mark Scheme (Rubric) - see pages 5-7
June 2021 Paper 1 Example Candidate Responses - Example student responses at high, middle, and low levels for June 2021 test - see pages 6-18 for Modern European examples
June 2021 Paper 2 - see page 2 for Modern European test questions
June 2021 Paper 2 Mark Scheme (Rubric) - see pages 5-9
June 2021 Paper 2 Example Candidate Responses - Example student responses at high, middle, and low levels for June 2021 test - see pages 6-33 for Modern European examples
Writing Tips for Paper 1 - SBQ - from a Marion County Schools teacher
Writing Tips for Paper 2 - from a Marion County Schools teacher
Paper 1 Youtube Video by Weave Rush History about syllabus and rubric for history
Paper 2 Youtube Video by Weave Rush History about syllabus and rubric for history
Questions you might want to consider when analyzing historical sources on Paper 1 from InThinking
Statements to avoid using when analyzing sources on Paper 1 from InThinking
French Revolution and Napoleon information resources
Napoleonic Guide - various information about Napoleon
Coup of 18 Brumaire video
Napoleon's Constitution information
Agricultural Revolution in Britain information
Agricultural Revolution in England 1500-1850 information
Industrial Revolution review video playlist on YouTube by a history teacher, Mrs. Abrams
Industrial Revolution - Impact of Steam Engine video
The Industrial Revolution information
Transport and the Industrial Revolution information
The Industrial Revolution information including causes, elements
Textiles and Transportation and early British Industrial Revolution information
The Corn Laws video
The New Poor Law during Industrial Revolution information
Reform Act of 1832 video
The Toldpuddle Martyrs video
The Industrial Revolution - a variety of links to information about the time period
The Industrial Revolution overview informational site
How Otto von Bismarck Unified Germany information
German Unification video
German Revolutions of 1848 information
The Degree of growth in German Nationalism information
Otto von Bismarck and Wars of German Unification information
Austro-Prussian War video
Franco-Prussian War video
Liberalism and Nationalism in Germany review video playlist on YouTube by a history teacher, Mrs. Abrams
Nicholas II and Russian Revolutions of 1917 website with a variety of informative links
War and Revolution in Russia 1914-1921 information
Last of the Tsars - Nicholas II & Alexandra video
1917 Constituent Assembly in Russia information
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk information
Lenin's Economic Policy video
The October Revolution - timeline and other information
Russian Revolution review video playlist on YouTube by a history teacher, Mrs. Abrams
British National Archives - Gives you access to a range of historical sources. Especially useful when studying units about Britain and International Relations from a British perspective.
French National Archives - Gives you a range of historical sources. Especially useful for studying European options and International relations from a French Perspective. There is a language option (French, English or Spanish) at the top of the home page.
Paper 1 Specimen (Example) Paper - see pages 2-3 for Modern European test questions Paper 1 Mark Scheme (Rubric)
Paper 2 Specimen (Example) Paper - see page 2 for Modern European test questions Paper 2 Mark Scheme (Rubric)
June 2022 Paper 1 - see pages 2-3 for Modern European test questions June 2022 Paper 1 Mark Scheme (Rubric) - see pages 5-6
June 2022 Paper 2 - see page 2 for Modern European test questions June 2022 Paper 2 Mark Scheme (Rubric) - see pages 5-8
November 2021 Paper 1 - see pages 2-3 for Modern European test questions November 2021 Paper 1 Mark Scheme (Rubric) - see pages 5-7
November 2021 Paper 2 - see page 2 for Modern European test questions November 2021 Paper 2 Mark Scheme (Rubric) - see pages 5-8
June 2021 Paper 1 - see pages 2-3 for Modern European test questions
June 2021 Paper 1 Mark Scheme (Rubric) - see pages 5-7
June 2021 Paper 1 Example Candidate Responses - Example student responses at high, middle, and low levels for June 2021 test - see pages 6-18 for Modern European examples
June 2021 Paper 2 - see page 2 for Modern European test questions
June 2021 Paper 2 Mark Scheme (Rubric) - see pages 5-9
June 2021 Paper 2 Example Candidate Responses - Example student responses at high, middle, and low levels for June 2021 test - see pages 6-33 for Modern European examples
Writing Tips for Paper 1 - SBQ - from Marion County Schools teacher
Writing Tips for Paper 2 - from a Marion County Schools teacher
Paper 1 Youtube Video by Weave Rush History about syllabus and rubric for history
Paper 2 Youtube Video by Weave Rush History about syllabus and rubric for history
Study Time INC website - contains downloadable versions of AICE history textbooks and a student's notes from course
Study Mind Map Notes for US History - a youtube video compilation of study notes in mind map form
Westward the Course of Empire Takes Its Way video - Westward Expansion
Missouri Compromise of 1820 and Nullification Crisis website with notes
Compromise of 1850 information
Fugitive Slave Act video
A Historian explains the significance of the Fugitive Slave Act article
Kansas-Nebraska Act information.
The Second Party System information and Video
Civil War and Reconstruction: Buildup to the Civil War information
Dred Scott Decision video
Transcript of Dred Scott decision
David Blight on signficance of Dred Scott decision article
The Right of Secession article
Secession: How and Why South Attempted to Leave the US article
Fort Sumter Information article.
Civil War Leaders website with information on each
Truth about Abraham Lincoln documentary
Union and Confederate Resources Information Sheet
Revoking Civil Liberties: Lincoln's Constitutional Dilemma information
The Emancipation Proclamation: Freedom's First Steps information
Civil War Analysis Study Guide
President Lincoln's Legacy: Plans for a Reconstructed Union video
President Andrew Johnson: Attempts to Continue Lincoln's Reconstruction Plans video
Radical Reconstruction information
Ulysses S. Grant Reconstruction Information.
The Travails of Reconstruction information
Reconstruction Primary Source Documents and Information
Railroads in Late 19th Century information
Immigrants and Health Concerns in late 19th century America information
Trusts and Monopolies Information
The Grange Movement 1875 information
The Progressive Movement & Impact on American Politics information
Trust Busting and Government Regulations during Progressive Era video
Progressive Era Politics Analysis information
20th Century Economic and Social Changes information.
The Progressives and Direct Democracy information
What Caused Wall Street Crash of 1929 information
The Great Depression Analysis Study Guide
Hoover and New Deal information
Great Depression 1930s information
FDR first 100 days study guide
Measures introduced by Roosevelt to deal with depression information
The New Deal Coalition video
Opposition to New Deal information
New Deal documents to analyze
Great Depression and Herbert Hoover information
USA National Archives - Gives you access to a range of historical sources. Especially useful when studying the American options and International Relations from an American perspective.
Library of Congress - A collection of sources and resources from The Library of Congress.
AICE Music (9483) - AS Level -
9483 syllabus
Grade Levels: 10-12
The AICE music class is an advanced music class that is an in-depth study of music history and/or music performance. Students who are interested in the class should either have completed AICE General Paper and/or have a significant background in music. Please note there is NO requirement that students in the class have a musical background. The information provided by AICE makes it very clear that non-music people are encouraged to take the class.
The topics covered in the class cover a wide range of musical ideas including (but not limited to) form, harmonic structure, historical context, and emotion in music. Two fundamental ideas in music are assigned by Cambridge each year for in depth study. Additional concepts are assigned by the teacher to ensure a thorough understanding of music. The examination for this class does require students to perform musical pieces, compose short musical pieces, and write about music based on selections that are played for you.
If you enjoy listening, talking about, and discovering, music AICE is a wonderful class. Be prepared to contribute to daily class discussions and to see music in a totally new way!
AICE Physics (9702) - AS & A-Level -
9702 syllabus
Instructor: Mrs. Tania Hartman
Grade Levels: 12
AICE Physics is a survey of physics that includes the study of such topics as kinematics (describing motion), accelerated motion, dynamics (explaining motion by looking at the forces involved), work, power, energy, momentum, properties of matter, electric fields, electric current, practical circuits, waves and their properties, and radioactivity. Laboratory activities and their analysis will be an integral part of the course. As physics relies heavily on mathematical problem solving, it is HIGHLY recommended that you have completed Algebra II Honors with at least a B and are currently enrolled in an upper-level mathematics course.
AICE Physics Resources:
STEM Learning Website - Navigate via ‘resources’ to Secondary and A Level Science. You will need to create an account if you have not used this resource before. The physics section is subdivided in familiar topics and each topic contains (or is linked to) a wide range of resources, e.g. detailed lesson plans, videos and interactive animations.
Institute of Physics Website - Navigate to ‘Teaching Advanced Physics’. This site gives ideas and resources for teaching physics, grouped in familiar topics.
PhET University of Colorado Boulder Interactive Simulations Website - This site contains a vast range of physics simulations, often of experiments which are difficult to perform within the laboratory. You will need to register to gain full functionality, for example to download the teacher notes which are essential for each activity.
Minute Physics YouTube Channel - This site contains some entertaining and thought provoking ‘sketch type’ videos which are particularly useful for wave particle duality and explaining the Universe.
The Particle Adventure Website - This is an excellent resource to accompany the Particle Physics topic. It provides a comprehensive set of resources and activities for all the aspects covered in this topic, with plenty of scope for independent and Next Steps 12 active learning. In the additional features section, there is a link to a highly useful wall chart on Fundamental Particles and their interactions.
AICE Psychology (9990) - AS Level -
9990 syllabus
Instructor: Mrs. Megan Crawford & Mr. Doug Kuhblank
Grade Levels: 11-12
AICE Psychology is an internationally accepted college level course that explores behavior and mental processes through twenty “core studies” from Psychology’s past. Students who take this course will gain a working knowledge of what psychologists do, how they gather their data, and how the research is applied to daily life. Students in the AICE Psychology class are expected to able to write for evidence, evaluation, application, and analysis. Students will write a total of 20 papers as they relate to 20 original research studies and will take 20 tests to prepare for the AICE exam during the year. The 20 research studies to be examined will allow students to reflect on five key approaches in psychology: cognitive psychology, social psychology, developmental psychology, physiological psychology, and the psychology of individual differences.
AICE Psychology Resources:
Simple Psychology Website - This website offers information on all forms of behaviourism.
Mrs. M's AICE Psychology YouTube channel - videos with information about psychology studies
Cambridge A-Levels Psychology YouTube Channel with Ross Stephenson - videos on how to answer papers and about psychology studies
Cambridge AS Psych Videos by EmJay on YouTube - Great Recap of the Fagen Elephant Training Study
Powerpoints from an AICE Psychology teacher at North Marion High School
Psych Tutors has a page for each of the studies as well as information on the five approaches
WJEC Educational Resources for psychology
AICE Sociology (9699)- AS Level -
9699 syllabus
Grade Levels: 10-12
In a rapidly changing world, Cambridge International Sociology offers students the opportunity to not only explore the processes that are shaping current trends, but also to develop an understanding of the complexity and diversity of human societies and their continuities with the past. The study of Sociology should stimulate awareness of contemporary social, cultural and political issues, and focus attention on the importance of examining these issues in a rigorous, reasoned and analytical way.
AICE Sociology Resources:
Socio Guru YouTube Channel with AS Sociology videos
Mr. Andoscia's Sociology Classroom - readings, study guides, writing advice and structures, video lectures, notes
Revise Sociology - notes on culture, socialization, and social norms Notes on Research Methods in Sociology
Sociology Central Resources - various links and notes
AICE Spanish Language (8022) - AS Level -
8022 syllabus
Instructor: Mrs. Ana Garcia
Grade Levels: Grades 11-12
Students in the Spanish Language class will study a wide range of topics in the language including human relationships, family, patterns of daily life, the media, food and drink , law and order, religion, health and fitness, work and leisure, employment, sports, and education. It is recommended that students who wish to enter the AICE Spanish Language class have a minimum of three previous years of instruction in Spanish. Students are required to complete a speaking presentation that will be recorded as part of the exam for this class.
AICE Thinking Skills (9694) - AS & A-Level -
9694 syllabus
Instructor: Ms. Kathy Moore
Grade Levels: 10-12
Thinking Skills is an intriguing course that allows candidates to develop a specific set of transferable intellectual skills, independent of subject content including Critical Reasoning and Problem Solving. The focus of the Critical Reasoning unit is on development of skill sets to
evaluate the credibility of evidence (information) to make decisions based on rational, logical reasoning;
to analyze and draw appropriate conclusions from scientific data;
to unpack arguments, identify flaws in reasoning and present reasoned arguments.
The Problem Solving unit focuses on analytical thinking using data and strategies to create/find solutions to real world scenarios. Students learn to think critically “outside the box,” look at scenarios from different perspectives and discover “what to do” (strategies to implement) “when we don’t know what to do.”
Students must have a “true desire to think,” be actively involved in group discussions AND motivated to improve their skills at thinking. We practice making informed decisions based on sound logical reasoning. The curriculum creates opportunities for and encourages free and open debate, critical and investigative thinking, and informed and disciplined reasoning.