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Choosing college courses can be overwhelming, especially for students who are new to the process. The resources below will serve as a guide and provide you with some basic information you need to know before scheduling an appointment with your counselor/advisor for assistance. Be sure to read the important notes at the bottom that pertain to your particular situation.
Step 1: Begin by reviewing the A.A. degree requirements on the EFSC website. If you plan to attend a public university in the state of Florida, these will be your general education requirements, regardless of which school you attend. Take note that the course titles are hyperlinked and will provide you with valuable course information including the course catalog description and any prerequisites. This is a good place to start, even if you don't plan to get your A.A. degree at EFSC.
Step 2: Next, you'll want to take a look at the BPS Approved Course List for Dual Enrollment. These courses have been pre-approved for all Dual Enrolled students and cover the introductory level coursework for most majors. This list will also provide you with information regarding how each course will be applied towards high school graduation (e.g., AML 2020 will provide 1 full year of high school credit in English). Students wanting to take courses not on this list must submit the course information and reason to the Dual Enrollment counselor in order to request approval from the district.
Step 3: Another valuable resource will be the EFSC Class Schedule Search. This is particularly useful when trying to find classes that fit into a specific time/day in your schedule. All classes being offered for any particular semester will be listed here. Just make sure to choose the correct semester from the drop-down menu (i.e., 16-week courses in Fall and Spring), as well as the campus you plan to attend. Most students at Rockledge High School attend the Cocoa or Melbourne campuses, but students may choose any campus, provided they have transportation available to get to and from class. Course titles on this page are also hyperlinked and will bring up the course catalog description. The Details/Instructor link will provide you with the specific instructor for that section.
Step 4: It is highly recommended that you visit Rate My Professors before finalizing your course selections. In most instances, someone else has already taken this course with this instructor and can provide you with valuable information about their teaching style. Not every instructor is a good fit for every student. Be sure to read the comments and feedback left by other students. Don't just look at the numbers.
Step 5: Once you have determined the courses you think you would like, complete a Course Request Form (available in Guidance), according to the instructions of the Course Registration page and turn it in to the Dual Enrollment counselor. It's okay to make mistakes here. These selections are not final and can be altered as necessary. It is important that you have an idea of what is being offered and what you are interested in prior to scheduling an individual meeting. If you would like to schedule a meeting to discuss your course selections/options, please indicate that in the email.
A.A. General Education Requirements:
Area 1: Communications
Area 2: Mathematics
Area 3: Natural Science
Area 4: Humanities
Area 5: Social/Behavioral Science
Electives, Foreign Language, & Civic Literacy
Useful Links
Important Documents
A guide to accessing myEFSC, etc.