Choice Schools

choice schools banner

Choice Schools are Educational Program Opportunities (EPO) in the open enrollment process enabling selection of a  school.  The district has six choice  schools. The individual school websites contain detailed educational program information. Prior to submitting an application for an EPO it is important to review the school's application requirements, specific terms and conditions, and the lottery process.  The following links provide detail for all aspects of the EPO process:

school circle image

List of Choice Schools

Elementary Schools
Freedom 7 Elementary School of International Studies (K-6
Robert Lewis Stevenson Elementary School of the Arts (K-6
West Melbourne Elementary School of Science (K-6
South Lake Elementary Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) School (K-6)

Secondary Schools
Edgewood Jr/Sr High School (7-12)
Westshore Jr/Sr High School (7-12)

Requirements for Elementary Schools of Choice

Requirements for all Choice Schools:

  1. Must be a current Florida Resident and upload 2 proofs of residency from Tier 1 and Tier 2 to the Family Dashboard before submitting an application.

  2. A behavioral/academic parent and student contract is required upon entry. This will be completed by the parent during the application process in a series of "Agree" questions thru the Family Dashboard. 

  3. Parent(s)/student(s) are expected to fulfill 20 community service hours annually. 

Requirements for Secondary Schools of Choice:

Edgewood and West Shore

  1. The student has been academically promoted each year beginning in 3rd grade (never had promotion requirements waived or received a "Good Cause Exemption).

  2. Final report card grades for the current year must reflect a "C" or higher in English/Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies


  • BPS Students:

    • Choice School will review the applicant’s current FAST PM3 data, if necessary, historical FSA (prior to FAST) and I-Ready data only for rising 7th graders will be reviewed to verify on-grade level performance.

    • BPS students are not required to upload this data.

  • Non-BPS Students:

    • Choice School will review the applicant’s historical data on a nationally normed test (requirement is to attain a minimum of 45th percentile score in ELA/Math composite on a nationally normed test, i.e., the Iowa Basic Test of Skills [IBTS]).

    • Parents/guardians are required to upload the last two (2) years of results for nationally normed reference tests to their Family Dashboard account.